Tuesday 11 April 2017

Keyword Placement SEO

Keyword Placement SEO
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

Generally internet marketers, webmasters or bloggers would want their own website or blog is always on the main page of a search results according to the keywords targeted. In this edition article I will share my knowledge and experiences, share tips and tricks about SEO so that your website or blog to appear on the first page match the keywords you are targeting.
SEO is a way be an advantage for the internet marketer. In contrast to PPC (Pay Per Click) that pay to you as the owner of a Website or Blog on the results of every click made on the ad by the visitors, whether the visitor buys a product that you install it or not. Then, with the appearance of your website or blog on the first page of search results pure or without having to pay for it will make you have a website or blog is more crowded than appear in the list of advertisements which are included in the list of advertising your website or blog. It is caused by a searcher who is more likely to choose your Website or Blog in the top ten menu than on the page are paid.

The negative side of the SEO techniques that search engines frequently change the algorithms or techniques that they use to adopt a website or blog to appear on the main page. But do not worry, by implementing SEO tips and tricks below the website or blog you will have the opportunity greatest to appear on pages 10 and is also able to withstand the position in the long term.

Here Is SEO Techniques That Will Accomplish

Placement And Application Keywords In The Caption There In Link

Other sites that refers to your Website or Blog resulting from a search engine perspective. With the placement and application of keywords contained within your website or blog link, then you will have an opportunity that is much less likely to appear on page 10 based on those keywords.

Placement And Application Keywords In Title Tag

The search engines have a significant attention to the title tag you apply. With this tag, then the search engines will know the topic is contained in the Website or blog. For a much better result, keywords can be added in the first order of the list of tags. The title tag should not apply melibihi of 60 characters.

Placement And Application Keywords There Must You Want In Your Link

To make the website or blog you have the order or rank results, then you can add keywords that you want to link. As an example, you want to use the keyword "tutorial" then between the link that you can use that http://blogger.com/tutorial

Running SEO With A Safe Way With Keyword Density

There is no special rule for the mention of the keyword density of a correct and proper due to the search engines often change their algorithms or techniques in analyzing a website or blog. There are some among the theories that Google will assume that the Website or blog is spam or junk if there is a keyword of 2% of the words that already exist within your content, but search engines like Yahoo or MSN just assume that the content in website or Blog is a spam or junk when keywords in your content had reached 5% of the number of words in your content.

Some SEO experts have united their opinion about keyword density. So, do you just focused on this theory alone but add the keywords in the first part of your content and start writing a regular basis or as pure. If you want to take the safe side then you can add keywords by comparison is less than 2% of the content of your website or blog, you try to placement between the keyword and the one with the other keywords in the longer distances. It is intended that your article looks normal in view of Google.

Place Keyword Heading Or On Your Options In Title Post (Allowed On Heading 1, Heading 2 And Also Onwards)

Search engines constantly monitor and observe carefully the words that terdapt between the first heading and other headings. Proper techniques in keyword placement is to place the keywords between the heading. Then you must believe THAT keywords that you place it has harmony with the content you create.

Place Tag That Made Bold Italic Among Keywords Or Your Choice

A search engine will be more attention to the tags are made thick or sloped, then make bold or italic tags that Website or Blog has ranked highest for getting more attention from search engines.

Place The Keywords In Paragraphs Early In Your Article

Although this technique is not included in the SEO tips and tricks as I mentioned before, but this placement is a very good SEO strategy because the search engines will pay more attention to some of the first display on your website or blog. Placement of these keywords does not require any html code.

Place Keywords In the Meta Tag

Google, Yahoo and MSN also will read the content on a website or blog through the meta tags and are very concerned about this is the Google search engine. Then a time to enter meta tags with keywords.

Put Your Keyword In The alt Tags

Search engines can not read images or graphics, but they can read the captions with alt tags. If the website or blog you are an image, then enter keywords in the alt tag, but not too often apply.

Targeting The Keyword By Specialty

Some keywords have high competition and also lead to opportunities to get the highest rank for them becomes smaller. So, it would be better if you are targeting with keywords that are specific and have a much smaller competition. For example, if your key word today is "How to Use JavaScript" then it would be much better if you change these keywords into the "How to Use JavaScript In Blog".

Do The LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing)

The search engine will search for common words or words related to the keywords that you have targeted in order to explain the link between the keyword and the article on your website or blog. The search engine will be very attentive to the page that has words that are related to keywords than just a page that has keywords only. For instance, if your keyword is "Tutorial" then it would be better if there are similarities in your article or relevant words such as "Engineering", "How To" and others.

Apply Keyword Proxy

This technique is used to apply a Website or Blog that have the keyword phrase consisting of two words. For example, "Tutorial Blog". You use the word "Tutorial" in the first sentence in your article and use the word "Blog" in the fourth sentence. It is true that the technique is still counted as a keyword placement techniques, but no more effective than the use of keywords in the same way without any distraction of words between the two keywords. Keywords proxy used for keywords that only consists of two word phrase.

Do Placing Keywords What Not Consistent With Topic In Articles
Do not enter into your article with keywords that have nothing to do with the topic in your article. This will negatively affect other keywords. Do not put keywords that are not in accordance with the topic in the your article. When search engines look at the keywords that are not related to the topic, then most likely your Website or Blog will be banned or will not appear in the search results page.
Alhamdulillaah, I think it just enough that I can convey to you in this article.
If you have any questions, please your ask Admin via comment!
Thank You.
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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

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