Monday 10 April 2017

Advantages Of Using Domain .com

Advantages Of Using Domain .com
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

Maybe this time you're planning an online business as well as possible. Maybe all you have to do, you start from market research, chose the very name you like, to make a good design management system and perfect.

But you should know that, all your efforts will not go well and perfect in the Internet world without planning in choosing to use a domain name that is right. I will help you in selecting a domain name the most influential in determining the success or not an online business. Therefore, before you start making a website, you must be right in thinking and choosing a domain name for you to use on your website eventually.

In terms of choosing a domain name is not easy without careful planning. But for those of you who are serious, let alone your hobby in the field of Internet and Website or Blog then it is not difficult. But it is not that easy because you can not arbitrarily choose, here is the maturity required in planning and selecting for a decision. The domain name is supposed to represent a business or entity you represent will be among the world online. Of course the process in the long term because it is very related to the image that you want to view.

.com Domain Become Top Picks

8 of 10 Website top level worldwide based on Alexa ranking is a Website that use the .com domain. It has been demonstrated that the .com domain has the highest popularity, as evidenced by the fact that many very well-known Websites are Websites that use .com domain. With the .com domain, your website can achieve success as they achieved.

Based on the statistics that have been reported by Verisign, until the fourth quarter of 2016, there were 329.3 million Top Level Domain (TLD) which have been registered. This figure has shown an increase of 21 million domains, or approximately 6.8% of the previous years.

Of the total above, the domain .com domain TLD is still the king in the domain world market because there are 126.9 million domains have been registered to the same period. This means that, almost more than 50% of websites are there in the world that use the .com domain. If you are reading this article and also has never had its own domain, so now is an excellent opportunity for you that will start Kalanga success in the online world. You can start by registering your own .com domain here.

Excess .com Domain

Basically a website that is accessible without the use of a domain name, it is only through a row of figures showing as IP addresses only. This way is of course very difficult for you and the visitors. Of course, should mention the IP address, for example http://10.123.456.789/ that you use as a Website address is certainly not a good idea, is not it?

Because of this, in 1985 has been put into use only three domain extensions are .com, .net, and .org with a view to facilitate access and also mention of a Website or the identity of a Website. Along with the progress of the times and technology, are the three domains has had a lively interest. And, of course, until now very crowded used is .com domain. Here are the advantages

1. It's Easy To Remember

When talking about the wesite, what comes in your mind? Okay, besides you think social media website, chances are websites that use the .com domain that comes in your mind. In the layman, the Website is .com. Not only that, I as a blogger often get a statement from the layman who thought that by having a .com domain means that already have a Website that is intact. For example, this has become such a standard. And sometimes it feels when making a website without using the .com domain is a taboo and is not satisfactory, this means that the .com domain made into a professional Website.

2. Website Looks Proesional And Becoming More Popular

As I mentioned in the previous point that .com domains are very popular around the world. Nearly 50% of websites are there at the moment is a Web site that uses domain extensions .com as the website address. In the middle of the large number of existing website, how can you look more unique? Do not worry because it turned out exactly the same name will not be used twice. That is, if the domain name you want is not available, you will still be able to use other names that still exist kaitannnya with you.

3. SEO Friendly

If you want your website to perform well in the search engines, then use .com domain so I suggest. Many who gave the opinion that none of the domains that have a distinctive performance in the search engines.

However, the .com domain has an international reach. Country-coded domain (such as or .us) the local nature and Google will use this domain only to do GeoTarget on a Website. This means that Web site that uses the country code domain will only be relevant in certain countries. Instead, a more universal character .com domain which will make your website can easily appear in the search engines.

4. Registration With Very Easy

.com domain names can be listed with a very easy way. Unlike country-coded domain is available only in certain countries and memwajibkan requirements to attach certain documents, for the .com domain you can get anywhere. You simply select your desired domain very, complete the payment transaction, and the .com domain names will soon be yours. Come on, get the .com domain from now!

5. Prices Cheaper

Aside from easy, it turns .com domain available at a much cheaper price than the price of other domains. Not only just the first registration, annual renewal fee for .com domain is also very affordable.

6. Describe The .com Domain Business And Activities Global Activities

As in other domains, .com domain extension is proved to have a special designation. .com is the abbreviation of the word 'commercial', and be directed to the business owner or entrepreneur. Of course, this being a very good news for those of you who may be struggling or for those of you who own a business that is running. Your website will certainly feel more "official" because it would be adaptive to its purpose. However, this time too crowded Website owners prefer a .com domain because it is easier to remember.

Choosing a domain name is an image. However, it does not mean you have to justify the means. I strongly recommend that you take a domain name that clearly belonged to someone else. Or, you instead choose a domain name that is already blacklisted Google because the previous owner has violated the rules of Google. If this happens to you, chances are your website simply can not be found in search engines, even if for whatever you are trying to improve its SEO performance.
Alhamdulillaah, I think it just enough that I can convey to you in this article.
If you have any questions, please your ask Admin via comment!
Thank You.
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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

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