Friday 17 March 2017

Bounce Rate Definition And Its Causes

Bounce Rate Definition And Its Causes
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

I want to ask you, whether you blog readers deserted even though your blog already has a lot of content and your blog with SEO tricks mengoptimasinya mature? if so, chances are you have a blog bounce rate is too high.

Do you know about bounce rate? And the effect of bounce rate on your blog? And also the elements that lead to high and low bounce rate? In most bloggers, the above question has often crossed their minds. They did not know of the existence of a blog bounce rate because it did not know until the absolute deliberately do not want to know. Apparently, the fact mentions that the bounce rate can be used as a very important indicator to assess the applicability of visitors on a blog.

Bounce Rate Definition

Bounce rate is the ratio of the number of visitors who just opened a single page on your own blog. Bounce rate is calculated using the following formula.

Bounce rate = (number of visitors who just opened a blog page / Number of total visits) x 100%.

For example, in one month you have a blog total number of visits as many as 50,000, but readers who only visit one page open as many as 2,000. Thus, the bounce rate of your blog by (2,000 / 50,000) x100% = 4%.

The greater the bounce rate which is owned by a blog then the blog work quality will get worse, but if the smaller bounce rate on a blog then the blog will work quality is getting better.

So that the quality of work of a blog is getting better, you can fix 20% as the maximum bounce rate on your blog. You also can see the bounce rate on your blog by using Google Analytics facilities.

Occurrence Factors Bounce Rate

High and low bounce rate on a blog is influenced by several causes, is as follows:

1. A Blog Loading Speed.

Blogs which have good speed of loading will be able to prevent the reader to cancel a visit into the blog. Thus, if the faster loading a blog then bounce rate which is owned by the blog will be getting smaller.

2. Layout Or Design.

In order to get a good bounce rate, then a blog should also have the layout or design is also good. Blog that has a layout of complex and difficult to explore will make readers feel lazy to explore the contents of the blog and just choose to leave the blog.

3. Quality Content.

The content of a blog that is less attractive it will make the reader does not feel at home or linger visit. The readers also do not want to waste time in vain because they do not get the information interesting and useful also for himself. Thus, diligent in publishing content on your blog on a regular and routine basis while maintaining the quality that has always been good and helpful too.

4. Internal Linking In Blog.

If more internal linking in a blog it can be ascertained on the blog bounce rate will decrease. It's because the reader is given the ease of visiting any other pages on the blog so that on each page of a blog can be connected. For example, readers who are reading content on your blog, entitled "Rice Planting Method". So, in these pages you put the link to the page "How To Take Care Of Rice". If readers like the topics on the page "How To Take Care Of Rice" and immediately visited the bounce rate on your blog will become smaller. You can use the link on the post content, related post, recent post, and also a popular post to create an internal linking.

5. External linking In Blog.

If more external linking or link out of your blog and lead to other blogs that are installed in your blog page then it is likely the number of readers who leave the blog to immediately go to the other blog pages corresponding link installed in your blog will be even greater, so it will make the bounce rate is becoming higher and higher. External linking is also found in the blogroll, images, and ads that appear on a page of the blog.

About the existence of this bounce rate is not really considered by most of the Blogger. However, look at the function which was so great as one indicator of the quality of work blog from this point you have to learn to recognize and optimize it with good and careful.
Alhamdulillaah, I think it just enough that I can convey to you in this article.
If you have any questions, please your ask Admin via comment!
Thank You.
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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

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