Tuesday 14 March 2017

Mistakes When Writing Blog Sites

Mistakes When Writing Blog Sites
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

Your blog is a means to convey information in writing through a global basis. Ironically, crowded among Blogger beginners who will enter the world of blogging have failed because of their lack of knowledge about the world of authorship that causes an mistakes when writing blog sites. Moving on from the reality that you should begin to learn about the manner of writing is simple, but has a solid meaning that messages in it is conveyed to the reader.

Some Mistakes When Writing Blog Sites

Inaccurate Information

When will deliver an update, you must have complete data related what would you say. Legkap data support that will make a meaningful writing and rich in information. Do not let you just perfunctory write without mengetaui what should you want to convey. Thus, readers will feel confused to absorb the information they get.


The regularity of the flow of information delivery is very important. Why is that? Due to the regular flow and will either facilitate the reader in understanding the content that you write. They are soluble in reading until the transfer process information running smoothly and easier. Then, start a writing a preface, write down the principal message you convey, then end with the formulation as a cover.

Posts The Many But Not Clear

It's wrong if the more text you describe would make it easier for readers to understand a message. Too many posts will actually make the reader becomes bored and reluctant to continue reading. As a result, they will be out of focus and forget the core reading. Therefore, make writing clear and concise by keeping the subject of the article. 200 and 400 words is the ideal number for the article on a blog.

Using Language Not Standard

It is clear that the blog is a means to express one's talent. You are free to write whatever you want to share to the public do not violate the laws and norms, not least your writing style. However, there are times when you have to abide to use good grammar and correct in writing for the convenience of the reader in understanding the content of your writing. If you had to choose, it would be easier to understand the contents of the written formal writing than reading Alay is not it? In addition, the style of authorship also showed a high maturity level of a writer on the views of the readers. Writing is very easy and fun. As long as you are diligent, obedient and always fix any mistakes, skills in writing would be very easy for you to master. Try to write as if you were talking or telling a story, then prove the results were very satisfactory.
Alhamdulillaah, I think it just enough that I can convey to you in this article.
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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

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