Saturday 11 March 2017

Blog Optimization Tips And Tricks On Google Penguin

Blog Optimization Tips And Tricks Against Google Penguin
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

Is the latest Google Penguin algorithm used by Google to do a ranking SERP (Search Engine Result Page) suitable websites and blogs that are already indexed on the internet. To create an optimal SERP, Google Penguin has done a lot of action against blogs that violate the provisions of Google like activity spamming and using SEO techniques that are irregular or fraudulent. Google Enforcement variety of forms, including the elimination of the page URL of the blog search index even until the abolition of the blog itself thoroughly.

Doing blogging is a natural and healthy and humanistic is a precaution and optimization very good to deal with all forms of development of the algorithm that governed by all search engines.

Blog so you do not get a bad result from the application of Google Penguin algorithm, you should take some precautionary steps and optimization and you must do to save the existence of your blog on the internet from the influence of Google Penguin.

Step What You Should Do

Stay Away From Spamming Activities

Perhaps, you often do not realize that some of the activity of blogging that you have to do is spamming activity detrimental. Spamming activity very much you do like to comment on other blogs by leaving a live link in the blog comments field that leads to your blog. In fact, sometimes you also displays a link on the blog page and blog content that leads to a particular site. Do not be too frequent, and many techniques because Google paid review can consider the content as spam.

Caution When Getting Backlinks

Backlink course can improve your own blog PageRank. However, when making a blogroll, you must be keen to find out whether a blog that became the blogroll colleagues including Splog, a site that contains malware, or a site that is banned by Google. If backlinks you get comes from the blog in question, then it would be better and wiser if you did not enter the blog link on your blog page.

Do Not Forget Note Keyword Stuffing And Also Keyword Destiny

Keyword stuffing is the provision of a keyword in greater numbers in the articles you post, however keyword density keyword destiny is to explain a given keyword in an article. Giving keyword SEO is a technique that is highly recommended. However, when the number of keywords that included too many and too obvious of course that such techniques have already become a black hat SEO is prohibited. Flagging italic, bold, and also the bottom line will describe a targeted keywords. Just like, in an article that you should not give more than 5 keywords.

Use Social Networking

Google will certainly give appreciation to the blog that is shared by many visitors who read articles to social networks. When a blog has been shared by many readers, Google will assume that the content of the blog helpful and make it popular among. Naturally, too, link the blog page that a lot of spread on social networking traffic will certainly increase traffic and PageRank on your blog. Google also highly recommend Google+ as a social network to share blog content because Google+ is a free service owned by Google.

Excess Blog For Readers

Blog and good is a blog that is easily crawled by the readers of the blog and can also be searched by search engine robots. To get it, your blog must have a simple design, content easily searchable, fast loading blog, and not too many widgets that confuse the reader. Google Penguin is here to save the SERP to be more optimal performance. You do not have to worry about will be affected by the bad as long as you do blogging in a good way on your own blog. Creating Content that is useful and healthy blog promotion strategy is the main weapon in advancing a blog. Steer clear of fraudulent use of techniques that seem almost instantaneous because it will hurt themselves as well as others.
Alhamdulillaah, I think it just enough that I can convey to you in this article.
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Inshaa Allaah, hope my article can help you all!
Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr Wb!

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